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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Credit comes from the word credo; it means belief and faith in the borrower.

Ad Majorem.....Wealth Builders

What do we understand by credit?  Is it financial capability?

Its root word is credo (remember Nicene creed?)  It means belief;  faith.

It means faith in someone and that someone is the borrower who could be you.  It means belief in his word that he will fulfill his obligation  ie to pay the loan (with or without collateral)

Thus I have instructed our loan assistants and officer not to grant credit to anyone who:

l.  Is late in submitting requirements or appointments.  If he cant value time, what else can he value.  In lending there is money value for time.  And when you are late in appointments, what will prevent you from making your payments.

2. Are amiss in their previous responsibilities.

Thus credit is really about character and integrity.

It more valuable than gold or money.

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