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Monday, January 21, 2013

BPI CEO Aurelio Montinola III former fellow ILEF Scholar handled our inquiry well

Ad Majorem.....Wealth Builders

We stopped dealing with his bank after a former branch manager hurriedly enforced a court order hurriedly because it was in favor of a former co employee.  Their branch shrunk in size and had to close (maybe because of karma and bad mouthing).

They were back in town about 3 years ago.  I met their boss in a ruby class reunion and I felt guilty that I was not banking with a former classmate.  (His former boss though lends only to top 500 businesses in the country)  He by the way is the MAP management man of the year awarded last December 2012. We were classmates and both ILEF scholars then. (some 40 years ago)

Lo and behold, I tried to obtain his email from a former classmate. I emailed the CEO inquiring as to who can refer us to their branch here in our town.  I emailed him at 6:48 and he replied at 7:22.  He said I can use his name for referral to the branch manager.  And his current thrust is improving customer service

Others of lower rank would not answer emails or answer later onnnnn.  So maybe we do not wonder why some people do not become CEO or never progress in life - they do not answer sms or emails.
By 9 am, the head of the Customer Service unit called me. There was instant action.

This is examplary.  This is customer service in action.  This is being great. This is servant leadership.

Congratulations sir.  May you be  a model for our employees and younger generation.

He is the type of guy (a Richard Geere look alike) who is a real wealth builder - through customer service

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