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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

From Brian Tracy - Focus - Seven steps to success

Ad Majorem.....Wealth Builders This is from the seminar of Brian Tracy.

From You Tube

Some secrets:

l.  Your life gets better when you get better

2.  What matters is where you are going (goal)

3.  Anything worth doing should be done well.  Perfect practice makes perfect

4.  You must have options in life  - develop skills;  save money

5.  For every adversity, there is a seed of greater advantage or benefit (look for the lesson, opportunity in a challenge or adversity)  All adversity is given to you to make you stronger and better.

6.  You can learn anything to reach your goal

7.  Your own limits are set by your own fears and mind

He has an interesting story on Houdini.

Your doors are not locked.  Some obstacles exist in your own mind.   Everything is possible

1 comment:

Majorem said...

To be success not require hard work also hard work out. All things in this world is not free we have to labor as the Bible says, by the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread.

Eddie Borejon Visited this site September 16, 2013