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Monday, May 27, 2013

Free Money Finance article - sharing salary with others

  It is not sharing the salaries:  it is just letting others know how much you make.

     But tithing, helping others, being a man for others make sense.

     What do you think?


Free Money Finance

Posted: 13 May 2013 01:29 AM PDT
This post talks about how today's younger generation is more open about sharing their salaries with each other. And it got me to thinking how common sharing salaries is.
When I was coming up through the business ranks, sharing salaries was taboo. I'm not sure why (was it none of their business? was it companies not wanting workers to compare? something else?), but it was. Even today, workers of my generation don't openly share their salaries.
I don't share mine, that's for sure. Other than my wife and my parents, no one knows my annual salary (at least that I've told -- our company president and human resources person know, of course, as does my accountant). I don't share with my extended family, close friends, or anyone else.
Would I share my salary with someone else? I think if someone else asked me and they shared their income, I would if I knew them well enough. Otherwise, I wouldn't.
Would I ask someone how much they make? Nope. It just seems rude.
What about you? Do you share your salary with others and if so, who? Why or why not?

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