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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Troubled Rural Banks?


A neighbor approached me this afternoon clarifying a news over the radio saying that there are troubled rural bank sin Bulacan, Laguna, and lastly in Rizal.  In Rizal, the bank mentioned was the rural bank in my hometown.  My third job was managing that rural bank which I helped double the deposit and Net Income for a one year period through sheer marketing effort and expansion of the lending program involving food, rice and other agri products and participating in the tipid movement.  of then CBP.

The question that was raised in the radio program, according to my neighbor is:  "What is wrong with rural banks that many of them fail?"

I thought that there are no more troubled rural banks and that their network has been increased, strengthened and management capacity expanded by BSP.


I hope that hearsay news is incorrect.

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