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Saturday, June 30, 2012

I was invited at the Maunlad/Active Bank staff reunion.

Ad Majorem.....

                  Jocelyn and Grace to my right, Domeng Medina and Vicky to my left

I was invited to attend the 2nd grand reunion of Maunlad -Active bank held at Rublou complex at Brookside today June 30, 2012.  It was in conflict with one of my pressing activities -  visiting Sandy Javier's place in Batangas.  I had to personally visit the AGSB dean to ask for an excuse.   He used to be the chairman of Maunlad, and some of the staff work with AMA bank now, where he is a director.

About 50 attended:  l/3 from Maunlad Savings and 2/3 from Active Bank.

The chair for the activities is Ramir Modesto, who now works as a Manager in Allied Bank Rosario, Pasig.  And the founding chair is Ms. Vicky Perez Ubaldo.

I heard many success stories from former employees of Maunlad:  some became lawyers, entrepreneurs, and even dean of URS

The program consisted of singing of National Anthem, prayer, raffle, partaking of lunch, games, flashback of the past of Maunlad/Active.

I was asked to do an impromptu speech.  I used to be GM EVP of Maunlad since l977 its founding up to l988 when I left or ll years.  At the time we sold and I resigned;  it consisted of 3 branches, I head office and resources of  nearly l00 million.  All coming from practically nothing.  That is what you call entrepreneurship.

 x                             Group picture with the younger employees.

                           "Kaya naging Active, naging Maunlad muna"..

                                  Rublou market place

                         Letty and Anabelle;  Letty undergoes hemodialysis once a week

                         Emma B. Domeng M and Vicky all smiles with the reunion t shirt

      Picture of the younger employees;  sorry I did not get their names, with Grace R

Other images:

 x                            Flowers for sale.

 x                              Rublou's colors

                                    Dark clouds appeared at about l2 and it rained hard

 x                               Buffet table decorations:   jars

 x                               Ceiling decor


 x                               Chairs and tables decor

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