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Saturday, January 5, 2019

Why you need to improve work ethic to improve your career

Ad Majorem.....Wealth Builders

Tim Ferris formula of 4 hour work week does not work...

If you do not have work ethic

Work -  a physical or mental  work to achieve goal

Ethic -  science of moral - a standard of behavior or right and wrong,  what is acceptable

Your ethic, what is acceptable varies according to inviduals

1. A person with good work ethic is predictable;  any disruption creates a disruption;  when you disrupt you  lose the momentum.

2.  Consistency. You do things as per procedure

3.  Proper preparation (You  are confident if you are prepared for a meeting, conference, speech)  Prepare

4.  Do more (in accordance with a purpose) Do a liitle bit more

5.  Do it now mentality, not later, not tomorrow.  Avoid procrastinate

6.  Find a running mate to push each other (a coach;  working hard buddy)

7,  Remove excuses

8.  Have a to do list

9.  Remove leaks (the waste, delays)

10.  Cut the fat

11.  Take the shot even it it is not perfect

12. Eat right for energy

13. Avoid burn out

14.  You motivate/reward yourself

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