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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

US influence and value of dollar both shrinking?

The World of Influence for the US Is Shrinking Along With Use of the Dollar

From CS monitor - how US suffers when US dollar value falls?

From Spiegel - Humiliation for US dollar;  shrinking influence of the US Federal Reserve Bank

The US showed it is still the world's big brother:

1.  In the PHL Supertyphoon disaster, it sent $20 million in aid and its battle group to help the PHL;

2.  News has it that it is still the number one economy in the world, although it may grow only at 0.2% in 2013;

3.  It has shown leadership in the Iran nuclear worries, albeit, without the objection of Arab countries and from the homefront.

As the value of the dollar shrinks because of QE and too much printing of the money, triple deficit, debt limit problems, loss of jobs, its influence over the world is diminished.  Many of settlements in HK are done via the Chinese red bucks (the yuan)

Is US really on the way down?

How pitiful, for  the world's greatest superpower, the Almighty dollar, the land of the brave and of he free?



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